BitTorrent Sync 2.4

BitTorrent Sync 2.4

Share your data with other people in a safe way
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2.4.0 See all
BitTorrent, Inc.
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Awards (3)
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Software Informer Editor Rating 4 Software Informer Virus Free award

Synchronize data between multiple devices on a local network using P2P technology. Share files in a secure way by selecting a folder, creating a secret code and sending it to those you want to share the files with. View a list of shared folders and history of all transfers.

Storing your files in a virtual 'pile' on your hard drive has become something of a sign that you act in bad taste. In modern day and age you don't need to litter your own hardware, since the endless abyss of the Internet is at your service. And, as with all the things on the net, there are mainstream players and lesser, but not inferior, alternatives.

BitTorrent Sync was not really intended as an alternative to existing cloud-based file synchronization services, but it can serve as exactly that and even better. It does its job using the BitTorrent client, and instead of a "cloud", the actual files are stored on a local device belonging to a specific user, which makes storage more personal, and therefore, more safe, if you are willing to overlook the human factor.

Also, BitTorrent Sync uses local networks to speed up the transfer and avoid the long wait for cloud services to transfer the data. It only needs to transfer the fragments of files that were in any way changed, instead of taking it all and stockpiling every file over and over again. Nevertheless, there is no limit to the size of your transfer - gigabytes, terabytes, any size you want or need. more

JL Senior editor
James Lynch
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Review summary


  • Available on all platforms
  • Direct file transfer from one device to another
  • Secure links
  • Flexible access control
  • Personalization of data storage


  • Relies too much on the human factor


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